Shrink Sleeve Applicator, Sleeve Labeling Machine, Shrink Sleeve Applicator Machine
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Many model with all kind of speed selection from 50/minute to 300/minute and is suitable for wide range; it can be modified according to package’s shape. Can meet, all kind of required no matter it is for cap or bottle. The machine is suitable for Pharmaceutical, food industries; it can be for health-food, medicines, Juices, Milk, Drinks, etc
Sleeve labeling machine -USA ,Cyprus ,UAE ,Republic of Congo ,Canada ,Russia ,South Africa ,Crotia ,Nepal ,OMAN ,UKRAINE ,China ,Bhutan ,Ghana ,Yugoslavia ,Nigeria ,Netherlands ,Vietnam ,Thailand ,Kenya ,Iran ,Malaysia ,Bangladesh ,Pakistan, U.A.E , SAUDI ARABIA , Monrovia , Phillipines , Spain ,Liberia , Iran ,U.S.A, Canada, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Kuwait, Iran, Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bangkok, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Nigeria, Ghana, Malawi, Egypt, Ukraine, etc.