6 head honey filling machine, Honey filling machine for Pet Jar Patanjali

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More details about machine please refer – www.bhagwatipharma.com

We mfg Automatic honey bottle filler , Natural Honey Filling Machine, Pure Honey Filling Machine ,Honey Filler, Honey filler machine for Jar, Honey Filling Machine works on volumetric principle with rotary valve type piston. The unit is made compact, versatile and enclosed in stainless steel elegantly matt finish body, of S.S Slat Conveyor, with self-centering devices & Stainless Steel Piston. The main drive of the machine and conveyor drive consist of A/C Motor with synchronized variable A/C Frequency drive.

Rotary Valve Model – Honey Filling Machine:

Machine fitted with, rotary valve and is suitable for dispensing, lotions and creams. Accuracy is ±1%. Automatic model, containers moving on conveyor belt lifting of container at filling station to ensure proper layer of, Honey, ointment or cream. It features an in feed hopper, rotary valve with positive shut-off nozzle (eliminating drips), stroke limitation fill volume adjustment, and is designed to stand alone. Construction is of Stainless Steel and the control system is pneumatic (3.5kgf/cm square) and electric (single phase) over air.

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