Twin Screw Extruder – Pharma Twin Screw Extruder , Axial Extruder

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Application & Process :

The Sigma Mixer is used for mixing and kneading for mixing, kneading of highly viscous mass, sticky and dough like products, Mixing of pastes, rubber, and heavy plastic masses, applications in Food, Rubber, Pharmaceutical, Chemical and agro industries, Dry powder to wet phase mixing. This mixer is most suitable for highly viscous material and dough like masses.

The sigma kneader is a double arm mixer, the two “Z” blade rotate towards each others at same or different speed inside a W- shaped product container. The twin screw basin kneading machine with two horizontally arranged kneading blades, which are deeply geared into one another and strip themselves reciprocally. Each blade moves the material in opposite direction thereby providing excellent cross mixing of all raw materials. The blades pass the trough walls and each other at close clearances resulting in good mixing. The close clearance produces a shearing and tearing action that is beneficial to the size reduction of solids. Selection of appropriate blade shape and speeds result in excellent mixing

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